Christmas with your dog can be a delightful time, especially if you get to spend more time with him or her. Christmas provides a good opportunity to spoil your dog – there are good ways to do this and not so good ways! Here are some Christmas dos and don’ts.
- A few years ago one major supermarket chain’s Christmas ad showed a dog eating Christmas pudding. Controversy broke out. Why? Because the core ingredients of Christmas pudding – dried fruit, grapes and alcohol – are toxic to dogs (and to cats too, by the way). Key message: keep the pudding out of bounds!
- Don’t let your dog chew on turkey bones as these may splinter and lacerate your dog’s throat or digestive system.
- Don’t leave chocolates wrapped up under the Christmas tree. Chocolate is toxic to dogs. Your dog may decide that present is for him and go on a late night rummaging exercise only to end up with serious health problems.
- When out on walks make sure that your dog does not run onto iced-over canals or lakes in case the ice cracks beneath him. Please don’t make you or your dog headline news through a tragic accident.
We are all about positivity at Dog Hair Day so let’s move on to the do’s!
- Do treat your dog but with something like a new toy instead of toxic foods or obesity builders. A toy will entertain and distract your dog at what can be a stressful time, with strangers coming and going from the house.
- Put aside time to play with your dog every day during this season. Toys encourage bonding between you and your dog and the exercise benefits you both.
- Take advantage of crisp winter days and get out into the park or woods. You may want to treat your dog to a new dog coat.
- Another good present would be a new dog bed. These come in all shapes and sizes and at a wide range of prices. Place your dog’s new sleeping quarters away from draughts and if you have an open fire, use a fireguard.
Happy Christmas to you and your dog from all of us at Dog Hair Day!
DISCLAIMER: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained here it is for educational purposes only. The writer of this article and Dog Hair Day can’t diagnose any physical, mental or behavioural condition in animals nor prescribe treatment. We urge you to consult your vet if you have any concerns about your dog.