I’m Kieran and my story of doggy social mobility is one that just keeps getting better and better, but started in hell. A bad start I was born in Bulgaria …
The Healing Power of Plants in Dogs
The use of herbal remedies to harness the power of plants for dogs is a current growth area. It particularly interests us here at Dog Hair Day as herbs and …
Itchy Summer Skin Causes in Dogs
Although there are a number of things that can cause itching problems in dogs all year round, it is in summer that the greatest risks occur. Although it is fairly …
Depressed dog? How would you know?
Signs of a depressed dog Mental Health Awareness Week was 13th-19th May and during that week the focus was to encourage people to talk about their mental health issues. However, …
Chocolate at Easter but not for your dog
Generally, we all know that chocolate is bad for dogs but, when Easter comes around and we are surrounded by it, it could be all too easy to give in …
Dog First Aid: For a Happy, Healthy Life
Generally, prevention is always better than cure but our dogs can still get into scrapes. However, knowing which hazards to look out for and how to give your dog first …
Hay fever treatment sabotaged by your dog?
Is your hay fever treatment failing? The sun is shining, the grass is growing, spring is on its way and your eyes are watering and your nose is running. Hay …
This Sporting Life – Get fit with your dog
Sporting ways with your dog It seems that these days you cannot open a magazine or switch on the TV without seeing somebody flashing their abs or talking about their …
Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day – a day for celebration!
Although Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day is an American day, there can’t be many dogs who don’t appreciate a nice tasty treat. The first dog biscuit was developed in the mid-19th …